
101 coverLooking for help in leading your own Pub Theology conversations? Bryan has published a helpful ebook for Kindle: Pub Theology 101: A Guide to Cultivating Meaningful Conversations at the Pub. Pub Theology 101 contains some thoughts on what is at the heart of Pub Theology, how to get started, tips on connecting with folks, ground rules, thoughts on facilitating, and tons of sample questions that Bryan has compiled over many years of leading pub conversations. All this for less than the price of a pint ($2.99) at (Convertible to non-Kindle formats).

» Need more help? Check out the resources at, including a starter-kit and subscription plan to get your group off and running, and help you get some publicity for it. You might also consider signing up for the weekly discussion topics enewsletter.


book coverAnd if you haven’t yet read the much-enjoyed original book, Pub Theology: Beer, Conversation and God, do yourself a favor: pick one up and enjoy with a good craft brew.  John Suk calls it: “a wonderful, whimsical, and wise story about what happens when a pastor with more questions than answers goes to the pub instead of church.”

John Franke says, ”Some of the best theological conversations happen over a beer at the pub. Bryan Berghoef captures something of the relaxed and relational dynamic that makes these discussions so pleasurable, while at the same time wrestling with serious theological questions. So pull up a chair, order your favorite drink, and settle in with this delightful and stimulating book. Invite a friend as well–the conversation’s just getting started.”

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