Pub Theology Book Cover

First Look

Just got my first peek at my the cover of my soon-to-be-released book, Pub Theology.  Not bad!  Like it?

Check out the back cover as well:

A pre-order page should be up on Amazon shortly – stay tuned!  (Kindle version now available!)


  1. Nice. Looks to me to be a Light beer. Not much of that ingested at Pub Theology. Nice to see Phyllis Tickle and John Suk on the back cover. Well done, Bryan.

  2. Mike Lubbers says:

    First of all, the book looks really professional. The cover alone would entice me to read it even if it were titled “An Idiots Guide to interpreting American hand signals.”

    Second, when can I come up for a signing?

    Third, I think this could be a welcome addition to the required reading list for my Seniors. What do you think?

    • Mike-
      Yeah – they did a nice job. I didn’t get any input on the cover, but I knew they do a nice job on this stuff at Wipf & Stock, so I wasn’t too worried.

      Be great to put it on the required reading list. I’ll be sure to come up with new editions so that every class has to buy ‘the latest’. 😉

  3. Sure the front cover is appetizing but the back cover does create an interest in a subject I would usually avoid as a recreational read. The cover combo really works, nice job Bryan.

  4. Pingback: Pub Theology Book Endorsements | Bryan Berghoef

  5. Very interested in your book. I’m doing some in-depth research into our pub discussion scene here in Portland where there is even a church meeting in a pub. This is hard work but someone has to do it.

  6. Just bought mine on Kindle. I can hardly wait to read it. Your help in getting us started with our Theology Pub in Alamosa CO was very much appreciated. It’s going great. We have a good mix of Christians, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Universalists and undecided’s coming.
    Kudos in your new endeavors in D.C.

    • Allen-
      So glad to hear your group is going well! Very, very cool. Hope the book is enjoyable for you. We’re actually headed out West in August and might be looking to join a few pub groups to share about the book as well as see what other folks have going on. Let me know if that might be of interest with your group.

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